Kerry Lobel and MargieA bit of history. Kerry Lobel and I first met almost two years ago at a reception held for the National Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco, CA. At the time, I was a member of the Board of Directors of that organization and she was Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. It was immediately apparent from our intense connexion and shared perspective that we would have a future that included each other. Each of us is anxious to do what we can to reaffirm and revitalize feminist, lesbian and progressive communities during this increasingly conservative era. We share a belief that when people of conscience come together, we can and will transform the society in which we live. Our conversations over the next months led to a decision to work together.
Remember the other mysterious photos? (see Installment #4) Here’s Margie, in the midst of “the light of Avalon,” recording her vocals.The Avalon Project is our effort to provide a space for communities to meet together across race, gender, age and sexual orientation to generate a cultural and political atmosphere that values wholeness and authenticity. It includes a cd release of my new music called Avalon and a concert tour throughout the United States. It will also include workshops and conversations focused on The Avalon Project theme of community-building. Many of the concerts will be fund-raisers for local organizations. The Avalon Project is a team of dedicated women in music, public relations, internet design/research, marketing and political activism from all over the United States who have joined together to raise the visibility of feminist, lesbian and progressive culture within the larger community.
The Avalon Project has a growing number of Spring and Fall 2001 tour dates. It will also coordinate fund-raising and membership efforts with feminist, progressive and lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender organizations.
If you belong to an organization or production interested in what we are doing, consider connecting up with The Avalon Project. You know as well as we do that it makes a difference when we make music available in an environment which values and supports women.