Women’s Music Legend Taps Renowned Activist As
Executive Producer For Spring 2001 Release And Tour
Media Contact: Toplin & Associates, Inc.
Stephanie Simon slsimon@rcn.com
Ellen Toplin ellen@toplin.com
Phone: 215.793.4666
SAN FRANCISCO – January 2, 2001 – Acclaimed singer-songwriter Margie Adam and veteran political organizer Kerry Lobel have just announced a unique collaboration — The Avalon Project — which will include a Spring 2001 cd release and a national concert tour. Avalon, Adam’s eighth recording, will be the centerpiece of a project designed to celebrate and galvanize feminist awareness in music lovers across the country.
The tour will work in tandem with community organizations — providing audiences with on-the-spot access to membership, volunteer and fundraising information. In addition, a portion of each concert’s proceeds will be directed toward a designated social justice organization.

Adam, a distinguished performer and recording artist, is also a founder of the “Women’s Music” genre-a movement that paved the way for women in music to maintain independence and artistic integrity in the music industry. Lobel will serve as executive producer for the cd and tour. She is the former Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the country’s oldest progressive organization working for the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.
The impetus for the partnership stems from Adam and Lobel’s desire to raise the visibility of lesbian feminist culture within the larger community. “Although often unacknowledged,” said Lobel, “lesbian leadership and sensibility continue to be at the root of many movements for social change.” Lobel continued, “What’s more, there are many people who do not yet recognize the resonance of feminism in their current political and cultural work. We’d like to create an opportunity for people sharing a common vision to come together.”
“We approach the choice of cd material and concert venues,” said Adam, “knowing that music can reach people in places that political speeches can’t. People are hungry for artistic and cultural experiences that speak to their lives. Over and over I’ve watched as audiences become energized by the experience we have created together. We hope to capture this momentum by providing immediate access to local organizations.”
Since Lobel’s departure from ngltf last April, there has been wide speculation as to her next move. “My decision to work with Margie,” said Lobel, “was a natural step. Her music is deeply informed by her experience as a woman, as a lesbian and as an artist involved in many movements for social change. In the context of my work as a political organizer, I continue to marvel at Margie’s fierce sense of justice.”
‘Kerry’s life work,” Adam said, “has been to lift up the voices of those who have been silenced. She has created environments for both women and men to tell their stories and forums where those stories could be translated into political action. We intend to create yet another space to awaken and celebrate the nearly invisible on-going presence of feminism in our society today.”
About Margie Adam

“Her melodies are graceful and inviting, her voice honest, relaxed, lovely, her piano spacious and sophisticated.” (The Boston Globe) Adam’s array of honors and accomplishments are many. National Public Radio features music from her solo piano works, Soon and Again and Naked Keys; the anthem “We Shall Go Forth!” is archived in the Smithsonian Museum. Her songs have been recorded by other artists including Cris Williamson, Holly Near and Peter, Paul and Mary, who recorded her signature “Unicorn Song.” Adam produced the”Three of Hearts” piano tour which also featured Liz Story and Barbara Higbie. She is the associate producer of two upcoming films: “Radical Harmonies: The History of Women’s Music” and “No Secrets Anymore,” the life and times of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. Avalon will be issued on her own label, Pleiades Records. She lives in Berkeley, California.
About Kerry Lobel

Lobel is one of the nation’s most respected political organizers and experts on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues. Under her stewardship as the Executive Director of nglt, the organization dramatically increased its budget, staff and range of programs. She served as the agency’s spokesperson, appearing regularly in high profile media venues. Before her tenure there, Lobel was the lead organizer of the Women’s Project in Little Rock, Arkansas where she worked on bias violence, women and AIDS, women in prison and domestic violence. Lobel edited the collection Naming the Violence: Speaking Out About Lesbian Battering (Seal Press). She has just moved to Pescadero, California. She will also be consulting with Kathy Levinson, former President of E*Trade, on the launch of a project combining philanthropy, politics and activism to be unveiled in the winter of 2001.
For all other information including tour dates and locations visit: Workshps, Events & Concerts page on Margie’s site.
For more information: Pleiades Records