8th March 2023

My dear friends — You know how we are… sending text links, mp3s, gifs, and video clips to each other when words are insufficient.
Today, March 8, 2023, is International Women’s Day, and I am speechless with feelings about the state of women in the world. I have no words to express my sense of urgency. So, once again, I turn to music for inspiration, for energy and a sense of community on solid ground. This song is SOLID GROUND.
“Love and Justice” was sung by over 450 women of Victoria, Australia in 2008 to mark the centenary of suffrage — finally getting the vote in Victoria after 19 attempts in parliament. There’s nothing like a little perspective as we settle into a post-Roe world.
But of course…. we’re not settling, are we? Women — and our beloved allies — are not settling. Period.
Enjoy! And feel free to pass this link on and check out the other posts on my YouTube Channel.