14th July 2001

White flower growing out of the rocks in Hawaii.I promised I’d share some of the responses I’m getting from people who are enjoying Avalon. Here are a few of my favorites, along with a breath-taking flower I saw growing right up through stone on The Big Island of Hawaii.

Onward and Outward!

Margie's signature
Avalon has become a permanent fixture in the six slot CD player in my car. Just to show you how much it is played, my children are singing along to “A Woman’s Work is Never Done”…which by the way spurred an interesting dialogue with my six year old daughter the other day. The song was on and she said to me, “Mom, is it true that a woman’s work is never done?” Talk about opening Pandora’s box. It was actually nice, because it provided a nice framework for a real female awareness discussion with her. So thank you!

–Stephanie, Pennsylvania
Scuba diving in Hawaii.The recording is impossibly beautiful. your vocals are crystal clear and I can’t even talk about the music–particularly the “Avalon” instrumental. I blare it through my speakers.

–Jennifer, New York
So . . . I was in the office doing some work. I have your CD on with Fourplay, Bocelli and something else. A song came on that stopped me on a dime and I just wanted to tell you – once again – you have touched my heart. The song? “Woman of My Heart.” WONDERFUL! I also want to tell you how much I enjoy the inclusion of the subtle instrumentation on some of the pieces.

—-Mary, Washington
i just love my new Avalon CD. love how you arranged it. i especially enjoy having the instrumental version wind the CD down. it was a perfect ending to a perfect CD. congratulations!!!

–Judy, Maryland
I hope I speak for many in thanking you again for the gift of your music and your “radical presence.” Listening to Avalon was like being sat down by a fire and wrapped in a healing blanket… I have to admit that I was surprised. I was prepared to hear activist anthems–to be stirred again to be in it for the long haul, be one of the women who dare, etc. I was prepared to hear songs of love and loss that would make me ache… Of course I had registered the differentness of the theme song, with its calming, soul-centered sounds. Those of us who are seekers, who walk labyrinths and who are on a spiritual path can now hear more explicitly this part of you.

–Linda, Oregon
Thanks for the speedy shipment of the new CD! It’s been playing here for the past 4 hours or so… What a treat to listen to new Margie songs and instrumentals. Such exquisite arrangements! Congratulations on this stunning achievement, and thanks to all of you for giving us all this new music to cherish.

–Don, Illinois
WOW! I popped the CD in the car and instantly got chills! Then, once I heard “Will You Love Me Tomorrow?” the tears poured down my face. So, I am driving down the road blinking to see. I calmed down, and then “A Woman’s Work Is Never Done.” came on. Awesome!!!

–Susan, California

i got AVALON this afternoon…i’ve been listening to it non-stop….i love it! i could listen to Avalon forever. for some wonderful reason it makes me cry like a baby. guess i’ll keep listening to it. thank you…from way down inside…

–Le, California

We spent two hours driving to the beach this weekend and we listened to Avalon the whole time, over and over. We centered ourselves in a new space, while reclaiming the feminine energy that the recording helped us to find. Oh how we forget when we are driven by life’s unending tasks/demands.

–Ellen, Pennsylvania