25th June 1999

I have just returned from the 25th National Women’s Music Festival in Muncie, IN and am still vibrating from an extraordinary “concert/speech/Q&A” interaction with the audience. Mary Byrne, producer of the whole event and a woman I have known and respected for twenty-plus years, honored me by personally introducing me… by the time she was done, I walked out into the most amazing standing ovation. It was like climbing on a magic carpet and being whisked off by the loving energies of hundreds of women. I just leaned back and breathed it in. It was thrilling to have the opportunity to not only share my music but also my thoughts and observations about Women’s Music. Goddess knows I think about it all the time. The atmosphere we all created in that hall Saturday was electric. It sparked and crackled in me for hours after. Practically straightened my hair. Practically, I said. If you’re curious about the speech, here it is (see link above).

I also was extremely happy to encounter artists who seem to me to be part of the future of Women’s Music. A pop singer/songwriter duo from Dublin named Zrazy grabbed the audience and wouldn’t let go. A certain pleasure in that! Also there was intense buzz about Maria Zamentauski, a flamenco-style guitarist and composer. I look forward to hearing about their progress as they make their way.