18th April 2010 Greetings! This website was originally designed in collaboration with my excellent webmaven, Barbara Brust (www.lucilledesign.com) in 1998. At the time I was deeply engaged with writing and performing music and with community organizing. Looking over the site now, I see the pages document my artistic, political and spiritual evolution quite well.My life has been healed and empowered by a commitment to feminist values, specifically inclusiveness and respect for differences. I do believe that women will save this planet if we do what we can, where we are with what we have. A few years ago I enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Integrative Learning… Read More
Continue ReadingScotland at 60 – who knew?!
4th August 2007 So let’s see… when I last checked in, I was about to head off for another visit to Scotland – on a quest to find the elusive Fairy Glen on the Isle of Skye. See April entry. I’m happy to report that I found my way through the mists back to Fairy Glen and spent a lovely time there. I’m not sure how I got there – and can’t guarantee I could get back… but I did get there in May. In the context of an Isle so saturated of magical energy, this place radiates its own special harmonics. Ooohwee!. One thing leads to another in Scotland… Read More
Continue ReadingMeditation on Fairy Glens
12h April 2007 Sweet Friends- Spring is here and I am spending as much time as I can in my garden. The most unexpected arrival in my yard has been the fairy glen. I can’t really say I “created” it, let alone “planted” it. It simply seems to have materialized in the past year or so. Who knew a patch of the same landscape I love so deeply in Scotland would make itself at home in the Berkeley Hills. Across the Trotternish Peninsula from the Quiraing Ridge of Northern Skye is a port town called Uig. It’s where I sometimes catch the ferry over to the Outer Hebrides: residence of… Read More
Continue ReadingIn It For The Long Haul….
13th December 2006 My Friends – I’m happy to report I have made a lovely soft landing here in early December riding on the last bits of intense energy of my summer-fall concert tour. And what a spectacular tour it was. Energizing, inspiring, filled with hope, new friends and colleagues and fascinating opportunities to share my music. After returning from Scotland in May, I had the deep pleasure of performing the entire Portal cd live at a community labyrinth walk at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco facilitated by Lauren Artress, a dear friend and visionary author who has played a significant role in reintroducing the labyrinth into the contemporary consciousness.… Read More
Continue ReadingA Flame of Hope in the Darkness…
5th December 2005 My Dear friends – Doesn’t it seem like we’re just careening at 180 mph toward the end of 2005? I feel like I need a seatbelt to sit at my desk these days and answer my emails. Whew! This past year has been quite a journey for many of us – more like a roller coaster ride than a drive in the country. There have been many twists and turns, devastating natural and man-made disasters, a critical turn toward ending the war in Iraq (Thanks, Rep. Murtha!), and particular challenges to women (reproductive rights), poor people in the Gulf Coast region and gay people (equal access to… Read More
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