18th September 2003
Dear Friends –
Now it’s the middle of September and I find myself gearing up to go back to Glastonbury and Cym Gawr in early October! While I’m there, I will travel to the Outer Hebrides Islands in Scotland to visit the Callanish Stones and Iona.

There is so much I don’t know about this journey I am on. But I do have a reference point which gives me some sense of solid ground in the midst.
I remember well being called to write music on purpose when I was in my 20s. The Call was so strong I couldn’t do anything else. I simply had to quit teaching junior high school and compose and sing about women – about being an independent woman, about loving women. Everything in my life organized itself around this Call – once I answered it – for the next eleven years.
Those of you who know my music and have followed my work know that my activism has always flowed from an intuitive and inclusive progressive feminist point of view. Each of those descriptors is packed with meaning for me. Intuitive. Inclusive. Progressive. Feminist. But if I had to choose one word that informs all the others, it would be “intuitive.”
I feel deeply fortunate to know what I’m supposed to be doing most of the time. And when I don’t, I usually have a sense that I’m going in the right direction even when I’m in the dark.
This page is filled with images of landscape I will be inhabiting. I share it with you because it is the landscape itself that has called me so strongly – that has inhabited me in some strange and wonderful way so that finally… I can’t do anything but put myself in it.
On the path-