11th March 2005

One of the wonderful parts of being on the road is that each concert experience has its own unique attributes. In a few days I will be posting photos of the most extraordinary hotel room I’ve ever had occasion to occupy. I was in Grand Marais, MN at the end of January doing a concert fund-raiser and the producer, a powerhouse crone named Joan Drury, put me up in the East Bay Hotel. She made sure the hotel reserved “the best room in the house” for me.

When I entered the room, I looked out onto Lake Michigan, past lovely rustic furniture, a hot tub and couch. And on the wall, directly across from the king-size bed, above the 30-inch Panasonic television…. was the head of a bear! (click here)

Now this would have been understandable in some reality had I been staying in a Northern Minnasota lodge or cabin. But the walls of my room were sheetrocked and painted a fashionable terra cotta. (click here)

So now my touring has a new organizing principle: if your town or city has a hotel which something unusual going on in it, please invite me for a concert. I will be sure to move your request to the top of the list!

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