January 7, 2003
Happy New Year! And let’s cut to the chase. Everyone I run into these days is asking: What can we do to stop the incessant reinforcing of the inevitability of war?
Wherever we are, whatever our situation – now is the time for peace-loving people to come together – drawing strength and inspiration from the combined energy we generate when we share a common intention. I know of two events that are happening very soon that are opportunities to do just this.
January 18, 2003 – Nation-Wide Peace Rallies
Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to join together on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend to participate in anti-war demonstrations and reaffirm Dr. King’s legacy of organizing against war and injustice.
People will gather in towns and cities all over the United States to make visible our resistance to the proposed war on Iraq. Massive rallies are planned in Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA. Visit www.unitedforpeace.org to find out about a rally near where you live.
I’ll be at San Francisco’s Justin Hermann Plaza at 11 am with the East Bay Women in Black group. I hope to see you there. If we see each other, let me know if you saw this page.