9th November 2004

This is one thing I know: the antidote to fear and despair is action! Here are some websites we can check in with in the next weeks that are thinking forward. I urge you to stay connected.

Earth and Peace SignMoveOn – an online grassroots network of two million progressive activists dedicated to democratic participation. Builds electronic advocacy groups while providing information and tools to help individuals be more effective politically. Sends out email Action Alerts.

United for Peace and Justice – a coalition of more than 800 local and national groups throughout the United States who have joined together to oppose the Bush administration’s policy of permanent warfare and empire-building. Lists events and actions by country and state. Sends out email Action Alerts.

People for the American Way – has directory of activist organizations by state and issue. Also lists links to progressive activism.

American Civil Liberties Union – defends the consitution and the Bill of Rights. Has Action Network that sends weekly email Action Alerts on key legislative issues.

Onward and Outward!

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