23rd October 2004
If we don’t change the direction we’re going, we’re likely to end up where we’re headed. — Chinese proverb
When I wake up on November 3, regardless of the results, I want to feel that I did all I could to affect the outcome of this critical presidential election. Rather than wring my hands and whine, I have joined hundreds of thousands of Americans who have decided to take action. Here are some efforts I have joined that fill me with energy and hope as November 2 looms in the near future:
- I have contributed $ and helped raise $150,000 “LGBT” money for John Kerry’s campaign here in Berkeley, CA. I also support the campaigns of Rep.Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Barbara Lee here in California. Regardless of how much we each contribute, it’s that we contribute what we can, investing in our future and the futures of all children everywhere.
- I have decided to join thousands of people who are travelling to battle ground states in the next two weeks to get out the vote and defend it. I will travel to Florida to work with 1000 other Emily‘s List members to get out the women’s vote in that state.
- I will drive people to the polls on election day, November 2.
- I continue to reinforce the solid ground I feel within myself and others by asserting and reasserting the belief that people like us who take action out of love and compassion do make a difference.
Here’s my question to you: what are you planning to do in the next few days to make a stand for peace and justice? Let me know and I’ll post it on my site. I’d be fascinated to see what’s going on out there and what we’re doing.
Again: let me know what you’re doing for the next two weeks to leverage this election campaign moment for the peace and justice movement and I’ll post it on my site. Click here to see what others are doing!
Here are several websites where you can easily find out what is going on in your state and city and specific ways to get involved in the next crucial days of the national and state election campaigns.
Election Protection – In order to ensure a free and fair vote, the nonpartisan Election Protection coalition will train and deploy tens of thousands of volunteers at polling places in primarily African-American and Latino areas where rights are most at risk. It will take the efforts of ordinary citizens, lawyers and law students to ensure voters’ rights are protected.
John Kerry States – This page has a map of the US. Click any state to access information related to volunteer opportunites, events, etc.
Greens For Kerry – This site is a great resource to share with Greens who are thinking of voting for Nader.
Act For Victory- The largest voter contact program in history! Includes a “Truth Center” with daily posts clarifying and correcting President Bush’s misstatements.
Electoral-Vote – Electoral Vote Predictor 2004 tracks the electoral vote (ev) state by state by examining the state-by-state polls. Since Al Gore won the popular vote by over half a million votes but George Bush won the electoral vote by 5 votes and became president, watching the electoral vote is more important than watching the national polls.
MoveOn – Sign up here to be kept informed by email of the latest activities being coordinated nation-wide to encourage Americans to participate in this critical moment in our “democratic experiment.”
NARAL ProChoice America’s Voter Guide by state and district.
People For The American Way has an education campaign focused on the future of the Supreme Court.
Common Dreams – Breaking news and views for the progressive community. This is a great website to get perspective and analysis from writers like Naomi Klein, Howard Zinn, Bill Moyers, Katha Pollit, Norman Solomon, Arundhati Roy, William Greider and Deb Price and on.
I have no doubt that if all of us do what we can where we are with what we have, We Can Do This!
For more information: Pleiades Records